Apologies for my boneheadedness.
I'll list the associated blog entries with each one.
So please, grab a popcorn and enjoy a few sights and sounds from Japan.
Written just after "Did that just really happen?": This is Shan-Shan festival. It's an umbrella dance that happens in the first week of August that originally was an appeal for rain during a drought. Now, we just watch the dances all day and eat all kinds of insanely good food from vendors that line the route down the main street of the city.
From "Mochi, Mochi, Mochi, I made you out of rice...": This is the process of making mochi. The lady is an English teacher from one of my schools, and the man striking the rice is a gym teacher from my other school. They are fraternal twins. Cosmic, no? It also helps explain the trust for one another that she isn't afraid that he crush her hand.
From "Welcome 2008, あけおめ": This is Shibuya crossing, possibly the busiest pedestrian crossing in the world. I took this at about 9 or 10 AM on a Sunday morning during vacation when much of the city was more empty than usual. Yet it was still busy as all this. Could you imagine it at 9 AM Monday morning?
Entry forthcoming: Sumo. 'Nuff said.
From "Yazu-Ko FIGHTO!!!": One of the cheers that we did during our baseball team's first game. Our team was batting, and we're chanting the batter's - Yuusuke - name. See if you can pick it out.